Workers Application Manager

Workers Debug Server

When you run the Debug Server application, the Workers Application Manager window will appear. The purpose of the Application Manager is to provide you with a single location where you can access and observe all of your running Workers applications. The following section will explain the various features of the Application Manager.

Every Debug Client is identified by a unique random ID number (this is not observable). Therefore, it is possible to have more than one Workers application with the same Head Worker ID (running on the same target) appear in the Application Manager.


Clear all Disconnected

Removes all Worker application instances that are no longer connected to the Debug Server (red dots), from the Application Manager's tree list.


Opens the Debug Server's Settings dialog window.


Worker ID

This column shows the Workers applications that are/have been connected to the Debug Server, showing a tree list of an application's Worker call-chain hierarchy. The names represent the aliases of the Workers in the application.

In addition to the Workers themselves, the following information is also displayed in this column:


This column shows you how a Worker is linked to its Caller.

  • SL : the Worker is statically linked to its Caller

  • DL : the Worker is dynamically loaded by its Caller

Clone ID

This column shows you the clone ID of the Worker's Main VI. If the Worker's Main VI is not a clone, then Not a Clone will be displayed for the Worker.


This column displays the status of a Worker. A Worker is assigned a number of different statuses by the framework, to provide developers with state feedback during the initialization and shutdown routines of a Workers application. Developers can also assign their own statues to their Workers, by use of the Workers palette VI: Update Worker Statuses assigned to Workers by the framework include the following:

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